
Hi, my name is Fabian and I'm a Data Analyst from Winterthur, Switzerland. I mainly code in Python, sometimes in R. I like cycling, cooking and reading books. Currently, I work for the City of Winterthur.


  • FOSS: I'm deeply inspired by people spending their free time on a project and share it with the world. I truly believe this will make our world a better one.
  • Open (Government) Data: Open Data empowers innovation, is the foundation for discussions based on facts.
  • Linux: Started with OpenSuse in 2006, currently on Ubuntu. Linux is exactly one year younger than me (but obviously alot bigger). You can find my development environment here.


  • CKAN-QA: A framework to integrate GreatExpectations into the data pipeline of publishing data on CKAN.
  • Cycling around and update OpenStreetMap with StreetComplete.
  • Generally, I like to collect open data and perform exploratory data anlysis on it later.


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    in [11, 5, 0, 3, 5, 9, 7, 0, 5, 8, 6, 12, 4, 10, 6, 2, 1]