Mass export data from STATATLAS

Posted on Sun 26 May 2024 in opendata


These days, I find it difficult to compare different municipalities with eachother. The Federal Statistical Office (BFS) does publish many data, but it is hard to collect various data from

  • a) each municipality in Swizterland (location)
  • b) over multiple years (time)
  • c) over multiple indicators (scope)

The STATATLAS (statistical atlas …

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Download Statistics for OGD (Canton of Zurich)

Posted on Sat 10 February 2024 in opendata

Statistics Thumbnail


After my last post creating a network graph for the Open Data listed on with Gephi, I searched for a solution to automatically create a nice looking graph. Luckily, I found a solution with:

NetworkX is used …

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Posted on Sun 01 October 2023 in opendata

Network Thumbnail


Create Graph

The network itself is created with Gephi. I get the data from my daily snapshots of CKAN packages from An export (uncompressed 73 GB in size) for the time period 2022-08-26 until 2024-05-31 can be found here …

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